
Plague Inc. Mod

Plague Inc. is priced at $0.99 in the official app store, and the game includes in-app purchases.
Download the hacked version of Plague for free.

Plague Inc.

Features of Plague Inc. Mod

iOS version: All DLCs Unlocked.
APK version: All DLCs Unlocked / No Advertising / Infinite DNA (Spend some/ Get some)

Plague Inc. overview

As the name suggests, Plague Inc is a modern strategy simulation real-time video game created and marketed by Ndemic Creations, a UK-based Video game studio. The game involves a player creating and evolving a deadly pathogen with a target of eradicating the entire human population from the face of the earth. Typically, the game embraces an epidemic model that includes a set of complete and realistic variables to replicate the spreading and severity of a typical plague. It was first available in the market on May 26, 2012, for iOS devices, and on October 4, 2021, for Microsoft Windows. It was not until 2015 that the game was available for Windows Phone. Following outbreaks of serious real-time deadly viruses such as the COVID-19 Pandemic and the 2014 to 2016 Ebola outbreak, the game has been received with positive critics and a significant surge in downloads, especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic. More Plague Inc. Review here.

Plague Inc.

Plague Inc. Gameplay

The world as we know it is about to end. The Plague has spread around the globe, and no country is safe. You are a plague researcher working for the world’s largest biotech company. Your job is to discover new strains of the Plague, develop vaccines and cures, and save humanity from extinction.

The Plague Inc is a modern video game, a strategy simulation where the player has indirect control of the Plague, which has already the first patient (patient zero).

You can choose between a wide range of pathogens and game-model to complete your objective that the game mode selected has set up. You evolve the Plague and adapt it to different environments. The goals include but are not limited to: Infecting and eliminating the human population using a deadly pathogen, enslaving the majority of the world human population with a “Neurax Worm,” or using the Necroa Virus to transform human beings into Zombies. 

However, you are pressured to accomplish your objective before your opponents and other humans succeed in developing an anti-virus cure for the Plague. The game is more of a simulation of the COVID-19 global Pandemic. The game developer has stated that the game is quite similar to the film Contagion, only that the player is on the other side. According to its developer, the firm was also part of the inspiration of Plague Inc.

The player can pick from a wide range of pathogens, each having its benefits and limitations regarding evolution ability. At first, you can choose a simple pathogen such as a bacteria, and the subsequent pathogens are unlocked when you win the game with the Brutal or Normal Mode with the previous game. These pathogens include fungus, virus, prion, parasite, bio-weapon, and nano-virus.

How to win Plague Inc.

Are you experiencing troubles while spreading your Plague Inc or doomsday disease for the first time? Here are five tips to guide you in carrying out your extinction program as per the plans.

1. Make sure you scatter your entire early DNA hot spots.

The trick is simple; you need to make sure that everyone is infected; if at all, you will succeed at killing everyone. Indeed, you need to spread your early DNA hot points to increase your Plague’s Armageddon infectiousness. Your strategy plays a role and also your game mode. Make sure your Plague has infected most of the population and nations before a serious contracting measure starts. The motto is spread first, then make dead later.

2. For Holdouts, make sure to Hold Out.

From a technical perspective, some parts of the world are notoriously hard to spread infection (Greenlandbastards, cough! cough!), mainly because these places have specific climates and limited access. For example, an Island has only a boat content with the rest of the nations. Make sure you upgrade your water transmission early before you start your game. For example, Madagascar and other Greenland mentioned above are notoriously hard to infect because of their cold and hot climates, making it challenging for a typical plague to mutate.. 

If your plague progress is too scary for the first time, Moroccans are strict, and they will prefer to close all their borders, central their pigeons and livestock, and wait for the disease to become extinct. Make sure you infect these enclaves before you can start actual killings.

3. Pay Close Attention to upcoming News updates and Releases.

Is there a prediction of significant bird migration shortly? Study global weather patterns, especially where there is more rain expected lately. Have doctors yet discovered malicious tumors, thus trying to make them less effective? These updates can help you plan your disease upgrades accordingly, which will make your game go according to your plans.

For example, there is a major London Olympic event, and the disease hasn’t yet manifested in a significant population, and at least there is only a level one drug resistance. The London Olympics then gives you an open chance to spread the infection across England. Don’t forget to spread the disease in major boat hubs and planes since this will ensure easier disease spreading.

4. Choose your Poison (Symptoms)

Remember every species-eliminating microbe; there comes a period when it is more reasonable to make a kill with a lot of enthusiasm. For example, if the infection is relatively high, it is likely to sell off part of your transmission upgrades in exchange for additional symptoms for just a few points.

For example, you need a less suspicious symptom at the first game level, such as Coughing. It attracts less attention yet is spreading at a very high rate—others include symptoms combos such as Walking Dead by having Anemia or Insomnia symptoms. Great Symptom combos reward you with bonus effects to further spread your precious DNA. Other symptoms combos include public defecation (diarrhea and insanity) and vomit (mild to severe Coughing and vomiting.

5. Bio-Weapon and Virus Tips. Always keep your eyes on the Clock.

If you pick the bio-weapon and virus game, you will be racing against time since the Plague you’re carrying has its mind, i.e., progressively mutating symptoms before you want them to appear. The disease can momentarily gain in deadliness without developing noticeable symptoms of bio-weapon.

6.  Make use of Special Upgrades features in the Ability gear.

The special upgrades help you overbearing these microbes and try to spread them as fast as possible. For the late game, try to embrace their natural mutation tendency to deadly pathogens and symptoms for your game benefits.

Plague Inc.

What is the special Plague?

The plagues in the game can be divided into two types, standard plagues and special plagues.

Standard plagues allow players to pick from a wide range of pathogens, each having its benefits and limitations regarding evolution ability. At first, you can select a simple pathogen such as a bacteria, and the subsequent pathogens are unlocked when you win the game with the Brutal or Normal Mode with the previous game. These pathogens include fungus, virus, prion, parasite, bio-weapon, and nano-virus.

Special plagues can be purchased separately for $1.99 and come in Neurax Worm, Necroa Virus, Simian Flu, and Shadow Plague. These special plagues are more difficult to obtain than the standard and have different symptoms, modes of transmission and abilities.

How to get special Plagues for free

If you download the Plague Inc. from App Store, you need to spend real money to get special plagues, but here’s a way to get them for free. 

Download Plague Inc. Mod Apk and iOS from Panda Helper

  • Open Safari to download Panda Helper, a third-party App Store.
  • Use the link below or search Plague Inc. in Panda Helper, find the latest version.
    Download iOS version
    Download APK version
  • Android users can install Plague Inc. Mod directly, and iOS users need to purchase VIP and install it when the free version is not available.


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